Labor Compliance (service only aviable for Spain)
Equality Plan
Mandatory for all companies with more than 50 employees
Anti-Harassment Protocol
Mandatory for all companies, regardless of the number of employees
Job Valuation
We value jobs appropriately and adjusted to your company to comply with the principle of equal pay for positions of equal value
Remuneration Audit
We audit, in a transversal and complete way, if the remuneration system of your company complies with the principle of equal remuneration for positions of equal value
In CoreBC we help in the fulfillment of the elaboration and implementation of the equality plan, managing from the formation of the equality commission to the final implementation, going through all the following phases:
Commitment phase
Diagnostic phase
Design phase
Implementation and monitoring phase
It should be noted that since the entry into force of Royal Decree 901/2020, of October 13, there is an obligation for all companies with 50 or more workers to prepare and implement an equality plan.
From CoreBC we offer an online course to our users in order to understand the main points of an equality plan and the operations we use for its preparation.